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Wright Virtual Visits July 2024: World Heritage
Wright Virtual Visits July 2024: World Heritage
10 Homes that Changed America #7 First Jacobs House
In the 1930s, Frank Lloyd Wright, like many other designers and architects, had some time…
Frank Lloyd Wright buildings added to UNESCO World Heritage list
This week, eight Frank Lloyd Wright buildings were added to the UNESCO World Heritage list…
Eight Wright Sites Inscribed to UNESCO World Heritage List
Email from: Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, 53 W. Jackson Blvd, Suite 1120, Chicago, IL…
Johnson Wax Exhibition, Racine 2013
The exhibit celebrates Wright's architectural vision for the development of cities that featured affordable and… – Usonia Episode 343
Few creative professions can point to a single figure as famous in their field as…
Frank Lloyd Wright – From Within Outward
Usonia 1 was featured in the 'From Within Outward' show. Fifty years after the realization…